I didn’t like it, and neither would you Staying with Grandad Jack Cos at Grandad Jack’s house there’s nothing to do There’s only Grandad Jack I wanted to go, imagine the gloom I’d to stay here with Grandad Jack And I sat on the mat in his living room Just looking at Grandad Jack. Reluctantly [read more]
Join Tutti Frutti Under the Parasol for 30 minutes of delightful storytelling. Tutti Frutti’s most experienced performer Stewart Thomas introduces the Smarties prize winning book Hue Boy to children aged 4-7. Hue Boy may be the smallest boy in his village but he is big news. Pumpkin soup and exercise are just some of the [read more]
  Winter is coming, the trees are bare, the birds fly south, and the sheep are flocking, seeking shelter from the wind. As the falling snow flurries to the ground wolf footprints can be seen padded into the hard ground… But standing on the hill top a boy is watching his sheep. He is bored, [read more]
Not for the faint hearted… fake princesses… or those who have trouble sleeping at night! Do you want to hear a true story? Well…imagine a place where what you see is not what it seems, A hidden place with forgotten stories, A place where the princesses don’t know they are princesses and the princes don’t really [read more]
This is a play about how walls don’t make a house, and doors don’t make a house. It’s a play about how a family makes a house. And it doesn’t matter where you live – whether it’s an up house or a down house, or an outhouse or a townhouse – who you live with is [read more]
“Can I go to the Moon?” asked Baby Bear. “No you can’t,” said Mrs Bear. “It’s bathtime. Anyway, you’d have to find a rocket first.” Undeterred, Baby Bear finds a rocket, packs a picnic and visits the moon, accompanied by a friendly owl he meets along the way. Using puppetry, movement, object animation, a bit [read more]
Stopwatch is set; we hear the ‘tick, tick, tick’ Ready?  Steady? Geared up, raring to go, Hare is in training at the starting line, alert… waiting… Who is the fastest, the best?  Old clock chimes; we hear ‘the tick and the tock’ Slowly does it, taking it easy, Tortoise is planning winter hibernation, poised with [read more]
  Hue Boy has a problem that everyone is talking about. He is small and doesn’t seem to be growing “at all, at all”. His family and the villagers all have their opinion on what he should do and his school friends tease him. But still he does not grow. Hue Boy may be the [read more]
  Monday’s Child tells a simple poetic story of the unique bond between a grandmother and a little girl.  We share the delights and surprises of the respective stages of their lives: discoveries, memories, imaginings… Together they love to sing and dress up, and are often oblivious of the challenges that the real world throws at them. [read more]
  A story of a boy Running, jumping, no time for sleeping, a boy with a big imagination Playing, diving, can’t be stopping, a boy who feels lonely. Imagining, dreaming, better than schooling A boy who loves the outdoors. Leaping, soaring, no space for listening A boy they call WiLd! Writers’ Guild award-winning writer Evan [read more]